EASYCODA Service Agreement

Welcome to EASYCODA! This Agreement is a contract between SheenCloud Technology Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “EASYCODA”) and you, regarding your use of EASYCODA services.

Please read and understand this Agreement carefully before using EASYCODA services. Clauses involving limitations, disclaimers, or other important rights (such as breach penalties and dispute jurisdiction) may be highlighted in bold or underlined for your attention.

By checking the box on the webpage, clicking confirm, or indicating your acceptance in any other express or implied manner, or by using EASYCODA services in any way, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. This Agreement shall then become legally binding between you and EASYCODA.

Use of EASYCODA services shall comply with this Agreement and its service rules. Service rules are subject to the content displayed on the EASYCODA official website (https://easycoda.com) or other relevant pages. You should understand the service rules in advance and operate according to them to ensure smooth use. If you violate any provisions of this Agreement and service rules, EASYCODA has the right to take corresponding measures at any time and reserves the right to pursue relevant legal liabilities.

1. General Provisions

1.1 EASYCODA services refer to various products and services provided by EASYCODA, such as online practical operation learning (subject to the actual services displayed and provided on the EASYCODA official website). You can choose to use one or more specific services according to your needs and comply with their service rules.

1.2 Service terms, rules, instructions, standards, etc. (collectively referred to as “Service Rules”) related to specific services, including service content, service level, technical specifications, operation documents, and billing standards, are subject to the content displayed on the EASYCODA official website or other relevant pages.

1.3 EASYCODA is a neutral technical service provider that provides you with various technical products and services as agreed. You are solely responsible for the operation and all liabilities of your websites, applications, software, platforms, and any other products, services, and related content.

1.4 Both parties guarantee that they have obtained legal business qualifications or government approvals in accordance with relevant national regulations and have the right to operate their products and services according to law. Both parties further guarantee that they will continue to maintain the business qualifications or approval procedures required by relevant national regulations during the term of this Agreement.

1.5 Modification and Update: EASYCODA has the right to modify this Agreement and Service Rules in accordance with laws and regulations when necessary (including formulating and publishing other policies, rules, and announcements from time to time). The updated agreement terms will replace the original agreement and take effect after the expiration of the period stipulated by law. You can check the latest version of the agreement terms on the relevant service page. If you continue to use the platform services after the modification of this Agreement, you are deemed to have accepted the modified Agreement. If you do not accept the modified Agreement, you have the right to stop using the platform services.

2. Account

2.1 You shall have the necessary and appropriate legal capacity and capacity for conduct, and complete registration according to EASYCODA’s requirements to obtain an EASYCODA service account (hereinafter referred to as “Account”). Without EASYCODA’s consent, your Account is for your personal use only. Account information and permissions may not be transferred, gifted, borrowed, sold, authorized, or leased to any third party for use or shared control and use.

2.2 Your registration information is an important proof of account ownership. You should use your email address, mobile phone number, GitHub or Google account with legal rights for registration. Otherwise, you may not be able to log in and use EASYCODA services normally.

2.3 EASYCODA accounts use email address and password as the sole credentials for identifying your account. After registering with your mobile phone number, GitHub or Google account, you need to complete the legal email address and password information.

2.4 A team is a form of organizing user data in EASYCODA services. Part of the data you use through your account is stored in the team. An EASYCODA account can be associated with multiple teams, and the data of a team belongs to the highest permission account of that team.

2.5 Your Account can be created by yourself or by accepting invitations from others to join a team via email, SMS, or link. EASYCODA allows your Account to join multiple teams. Your personal credentials such as Account and password belong to you personally. Your data access permissions within a team are determined by the authorization of the highest permission account of the team you joined.

2.6 This Agreement applies to all accounts under your name. The Account will be used as the basis for identifying your use of EASYCODA services. You shall take necessary and effective measures to keep your username, password, and other information confidential and secure (including but not limited to: keeping the right to use, setting strong passwords, and changing them regularly). Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences. In addition, you are responsible for the actions under your Account. All operations under your Account are deemed to be performed by you and you shall bear all legal consequences.

2.7 You need to establish and improve your internal management system to regulate the use and management of your Account. To protect your rights and interests, the Account should only be used by you. If you authorize your employees or others to manage the Account due to your own business needs, you must implement proper permission control and complete handover and account security protection in a timely manner when personnel changes occur (e.g., changing passwords, changing login methods, setting account protection, etc.).

2.8 You need to be aware that in order to ensure the legal compliance and effective use of account resources, EASYCODA has the right to reclaim or ban accounts in the following situations. After reclaiming or banning, EASYCODA will no longer retain data in the account, and any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by you:

  • The account has not been logged in for more than 24 months;
  • When you have not registered or bound with a legal email address, mobile phone number, or real-name information;
  • Your account violates relevant provisions of this Agreement or laws and regulations, or at the request of competent authorities;
  • Other circumstances where EASYCODA deems it necessary to reclaim or ban your account.

2.9 To protect the security of your account and business, your account needs to undergo real-name authentication when performing special security operations (such as permission transfer, account transfer, etc.) according to EASYCODA regulations. You agree to authorize EASYCODA to verify the relevant information or materials you submit through a third party.

2.10 Real-name authentication is the basis for judging account ownership and liability. In the event of disputes over account ownership, EASYCODA has the right to determine that the account belongs to the real-name authentication subject. For accounts with disputed ownership, EASYCODA has the right to temporarily freeze the account. You must be cautious when performing authentication, pay sufficient attention to it, and ensure that the authentication subject is consistent with the account owner, avoiding any improper authentication behavior such as authenticating an account used by an enterprise under an individual’s name or authenticating an account used by yourself under another person’s name.

2.11 If you find that someone else has stolen your account and password, or any other unauthorized use without your legal authorization, you should immediately notify EASYCODA in an effective manner and provide necessary materials (such as customer information, situation descriptions, supporting documents, and claims) so that EASYCODA can verify your identity and the incident. Upon receiving your valid notice and verifying your identity, EASYCODA will handle the matter in accordance with laws and regulations and service rules. You shall bear the relevant responsibilities and consequences arising from EASYCODA’s handling based on this clause. If there are any flaws in the materials you provide, resulting in EASYCODA’s inability to verify your identity or determine your needs, and leading to EASYCODA’s failure to handle the matter in a timely manner, you shall bear the resulting losses. At the same time, you understand that EASYCODA needs a reasonable period of time to process your request. EASYCODA shall not be liable for any losses incurred by you before EASYCODA takes measures or for losses caused by reasons not attributable to EASYCODA after measures are taken.

2.12 If you need to cancel your account, you have the right to do so through the methods and procedures announced by EASYCODA. We will provide you with account cancellation service after verifying your identity and clearing account assets (such as products and services that have been recharged or obtained) and disputes. After the account is cancelled, this Agreement will be terminated and we will stop providing you with any services.

3. Services

3.1 Service Activation

3.1.1 You can choose and purchase the services you need online through the EASYCODA official website according to your own needs. Before purchasing, you need to carefully read the service rules corresponding to the purchased services and decide whether to purchase or use them based on your own needs. Both parties can also sign separate agreements based on actual cooperation needs. By using or purchasing the required services in any way, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by the service rules corresponding to the purchased services.

3.1.2 You need to be aware that you can obtain and use products or services provided by third parties through the EASYCODA platform (subject to the third-party brands or products marked by EASYCODA on the official website and within the product). You should evaluate whether such products or services meet your requirements. Activation of third-party products or services may require you to sign a separate agreement with the third party. The separate agreement may be presented in the form of an electronic document or a separate paper document. You can decide whether to accept the agreement and use the products or services based on your own circumstances. Any disputes arising from your use of third-party products or services shall be resolved by you and the third party.

3.1.3 You need to complete payment promptly after submitting the order. Some services may have time limits, inventory limits, or activity quantity limits. After the order is submitted, if you fail to pay in time, or if there is insufficient quantity or the limit has been reached during payment, you may not be able to use the relevant services.

3.1.4 EASYCODA may launch promotional measures such as “limited-time free”, “limited-time discount”, “limited-quantity discount”, “recharge discount”, and (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Promotional Measures”) during specific periods for various reasons such as marketing activities and product promotion. You understand and agree that these Promotional Measures may be temporary, phased, or have quantity limitations, and may only be applicable to customers who meet specific conditions. You need to purchase and use the corresponding services in accordance with the corresponding rules. Unless otherwise expressly stated in writing, Promotional Measures cannot be applied cumulatively, nor can price differences be refunded or supplemented based on Promotional Measures requirements.

3.2 Service Fees

3.2.1 The settlement method for EASYCODA services is prepayment. To ensure timely activation or continuous provision of services, you shall comply with the rules of this Agreement and pay fees in a timely manner.

3.2.2 When you purchase EASYCODA products and services on behalf of a team, the service usage rights and remaining prepayment ownership will be associated with the team. When you leave the team, the service usage rights and remaining prepayment will be automatically transferred to the highest permission account of the team.

3.2.3 Promotional Measures are set based on specific conditions, such as Promotional Measures for products with specific configurations, Promotional Measures that you can only enjoy if you use products for a specific period or quantity at one time (such as discounts for annual payments). If you ultimately do not meet the specific conditions, you will not be able to enjoy the corresponding discounts (including but not limited to discounts, vouchers, and preferential use of other services). Both parties shall settle fees according to the original price of the corresponding services on the official website at the time of purchase. Based on specific conditions, EASYCODA has the right to reclaim Promotional Measures issued to your account, unless otherwise agreed upon by you and EASYCODA.

3.2.4 You can pay or renew your fees online through your account, or you can pay fees to EASYCODA through bank transfer (to ensure service continuity, if you choose to pay fees offline, you should allow a reasonable amount of time for EASYCODA to verify receipt of payment and complete your account recharge).

3.2.5 If there are sales discounts, sales returns, or other situations under this Agreement that require the issuance of red-letter invoices or re-invoicing in accordance with national regulations, EASYCODA shall issue red-letter invoices or re-invoices to you in accordance with national tax regulations. You shall return the invoices already issued by EASYCODA or submit valid proof to the tax authorities that requires EASYCODA to issue red-letter special invoices in accordance with national tax regulations. Both parties agree to implement the following policies: (1) If the return occurs in the same month as the invoice issuance and you have not yet conducted tax verification and deduction, you can simply return the invoice. (2) If you have already conducted tax verification and deduction for the invoice, or if the return time has exceeded the month in which the invoice was issued, you shall provide EASYCODA with the necessary materials for issuing a red-letter invoice, such as the “Information Form for Issuing Red-Letter Value-Added Tax Special Invoices”. (3) For refund applications where EASYCODA has not yet issued an invoice or has issued an invoice but has not yet delivered it to you, you do not need to provide invoice-related materials. If the above conditions cannot be met, the refund cannot be processed, and you shall bear the consequences. EASYCODA shall not be liable for this. After completing the above-mentioned return and red-letter invoice issuance process, EASYCODA will re-issue the invoice according to your actual consumption amount within the following month and refund the remaining cash balance in your account.

3.3 Service Support

3.3.1 EASYCODA provides you with after-sales service to assist you in answering and handling problems encountered during the use of EASYCODA services. Content provided by EASYCODA to users that is not product guide-related, such as customer cases and engineering improvement suggestions, is for reference only and is not considered product usage instructions.

3.3.2 EASYCODA reserves the right not to provide you with corresponding services and/or technical support, or to terminate services and/or technical support, until you have paid all fees as agreed.

3.3.3 EASYCODA provides availability guarantees within the scope stipulated in the service rules (see EASYCODA Service Level Agreement for details). By using or purchasing EASYCODA services, you are deemed to agree to the terms of the EASYCODA Service Level Agreement.

3.4 Service Suspension or Termination

3.4.1 In order to provide you with more comprehensive services, EASYCODA has the right to regularly or irregularly overhaul, maintain, upgrade, and optimize the service platform or related equipment, systems, and software (collectively referred to as “Routine Maintenance”). EASYCODA shall not be liable to you for any interruption or suspension of EASYCODA services within a reasonable time due to Routine Maintenance. However, EASYCODA shall notify you of Routine Maintenance matters at least 24 hours in advance. In the event of non-routine maintenance due to force majeure, fault of basic operators, or other reasons, EASYCODA shall notify you promptly.

3.4.2 EASYCODA has the right to adjust, interrupt, or terminate part or all of the services at any time based on its own operational arrangements (including but not limited to taking services offline, updating, and integrating them). However, EASYCODA shall notify you at least 30 days in advance so that you can make preparations such as data transfer and backup, as well as business adjustments, to protect your legitimate rights and interests. If you fail to cooperate with the adjustments, or if EASYCODA is unable to contact you, you shall bear the consequences. EASYCODA may open beta-marked products and services to users on a targeted basis. For beta-marked products and services, EASYCODA has the right to shut them down at any time without retaining user data.

3.4.3 Due to the timeliness, complexity, and efficiency of network services, as well as regulatory requirements and policy adjustments, you agree that EASYCODA may adjust this Agreement and EASYCODA’s relevant service rules from time to time and announce them through one or more methods such as website announcements, email notifications, SMS notifications, system messages, and in-site messages. If you continue to use EASYCODA services after the adjustment, it indicates that you have fully read, understood, and accepted the modified content and will abide by the modified content.

4. Customer Rights and Obligations

4.1 You have the right to use EASYCODA services and receive EASYCODA’s technical support and after-sales service in accordance with this Agreement.

4.2 When using EASYCODA products and services, you must comply with relevant laws and regulations and service rules, and ensure that you have the business qualifications and capabilities required by laws and regulations. You shall not engage in, or facilitate any, acts including but not limited to the following:

4.2.1 Opposing the basic principles stipulated in the Constitution.

4.2.2 Endangering national security.

4.2.3 Damaging national honor and interests.

4.2.4 Inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity.

4.2.5 Undermining national religious policies, or promoting cults and feudal superstitions.

4.2.6 Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, or undermining social stability.

4.2.7 Disseminating obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, murderous, or terrorist content, or inciting crime.

4.2.8 Insulting or defaming others, or infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.

4.2.9 Containing other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4.3 When using EASYCODA products and services, you must maintain Internet order and security, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any subject. You shall not engage in, or facilitate, acts including but not limited to the following:

4.3.1 Engaging in fraudulent, false, or misleading behavior, or infringing upon the intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of others, such as “private servers” or “plug-ins”.

4.3.2 Publishing or disseminating spam or information that endangers national order and security, promotes feudal superstitions, or is obscene, pornographic, or vulgar.

4.3.3 Violating the operating regulations of networks, equipment, or services connected to the EASYCODA network; engaging in illegal or unauthorized access, misappropriation, interference, or monitoring.

4.3.4 Engaging in any behavior that damages or attempts to damage network security, including but not limited to using viruses, Trojan horses, malicious code, phishing, or other methods to maliciously scan websites or servers, illegally intrude into systems, or illegally obtain data.

4.3.5 Engaging in any behavior that alters or attempts to alter the system configuration provided by EASYCODA services or damages system security; using technical or other means to disrupt or interfere with the operation of EASYCODA services or the use of EASYCODA services by others; interfering or attempting to interfere with the normal operation of any EASYCODA product or any part or function thereof in any way, or creating, publishing, or disseminating such tools or methods.

4.3.6 Engaging in businesses including but not limited to “DNS resolution”, “security services”, “domain name agency”, or “reverse proxy”, resulting in frequent attacks (including but not limited to DDoS attacks) on yourself and failing to correct your behavior in a timely manner, or failing to eliminate the impact as required by EASYCODA, thereby affecting EASYCODA services or others.

4.3.7 Engaging in other behaviors that disrupt Internet order and security.

4.4 Without the written permission of EASYCODA, you shall not, nor shall you authorize, allow, or assist any third party to, perform the following acts on the services or information content in EASYCODA:

4.4.1 Copying, reading, or adopting EASYCODA’s services or information content for other commercial purposes beyond the agreement;

4.4.2 Editing, organizing, or arranging the information content of the platform and related services without authorization and displaying it on channels other than the source page of EASYCODA and related services;

4.4.3 Using improper methods to independently or assist third parties in directing, transferring, hijacking, or performing any acts that have an adverse impact on EASYCODA and related services.

5. EASYCODA Rights and Obligations

5.1 EASYCODA shall provide you with EASYCODA services and after-sales support in accordance with this Agreement.

5.2 EASYCODA only provides operation and maintenance for EASYCODA services themselves. You shall ensure the security and stability of your own network and equipment. If the following situations occur, you shall resolve them promptly and avoid affecting EASYCODA services:

5.2.1 Problems with your internal network, including but not limited to overload.

5.2.2 Malfunctions of your own equipment or third-party equipment you use.

5.2.3 Network interruption caused by your own dismantling of equipment or other means.

5.2.4 Any other failures or network interruptions caused by your own reasons.

5.3 If EASYCODA discovers on its own or based on information from relevant departments, complaints from rights holders, etc., that you may have violated relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement, EASYCODA has the right to make independent judgments based on common sense and take one or more of the following measures unilaterally at any time:

5.3.1 Requesting you to immediately delete or modify relevant content.

5.3.2 Restricting or suspending the provision of all or part of EASYCODA services to you (including but not limited to directly taking some of your services offline and reclaiming relevant resources, imposing operational restrictions/account freezing on your account, etc.).

5.3.3 Terminating the provision of EASYCODA services to you and terminating the Agreement (including but not limited to directly taking all of your services offline and reclaiming relevant resources, etc.).

5.3.4 Pursuing other liabilities against you according to law.

EASYCODA’s taking of corresponding measures (including but not limited to service suspension, fee deduction, and agreement termination) based on this Agreement shall not be deemed as a breach of contract by EASYCODA. If this causes you any losses (including but not limited to business suspension and data erasure), you shall bear them yourself. You shall be responsible for the liabilities and consequences arising from your violation of this Agreement. If you cause any losses to EASYCODA or any third party, you shall compensate for them.

5.4 EASYCODA may assign part or all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a third party, but EASYCODA shall notify you in writing 90 days in advance. For the purpose of this clause, both parties agree to sign all reasonable and necessary documents and take reasonable and necessary measures.

5.5 You agree that EASYCODA has the right to use your name, brand, and trademark logo as business cases for publicity and display.

6. User Data

6.1 You are responsible for the integrity and confidentiality of the data you store on EASYCODA and the passwords for accessing and managing various products and services on EASYCODA. You shall bear all losses and consequences arising from the loss or disclosure of such data, passwords, etc. due to your improper maintenance or confidentiality.

6.2 You guarantee that the data you store or upload to EASYCODA services is data that you have collected, obtained, or generated in accordance with the law, and that you will not and have not infringed upon the legitimate rights of any individual or entity in any way.

6.3 You guarantee that you have the right to use EASYCODA services to store, upload, analyze, distribute, or otherwise process the aforementioned data, and that such processing activities comply with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, and do not violate any laws, infringe upon any rights, or breach any contractual agreements with third parties, and that you will not use the data for illegal or improper purposes.

6.4 You have the right to use EASYCODA services to upload, analyze, delete, modify, or otherwise process the data (subject to the service rules of the services you use). You should exercise caution when deleting or modifying data and bear the consequences of such operations. Once user business data is deleted, it cannot be recovered, and you shall bear the consequences and liabilities arising from such deletion. You understand and agree that EASYCODA has no obligation to continue to retain, export, or return user business data.

6.5 Except as necessary for your use of EASYCODA services and as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, EASYCODA will not access or use your data without your consent. The following exceptions apply:

6.5.1 When national authorities inquire or access user business data in accordance with the law, EASYCODA has the obligation to cooperate and disclose the data to third parties or administrative, judicial, or other institutions as required by relevant laws, regulations, or policy documents;

6.5.2 EASYCODA shall not be liable for any disclosure, loss, theft, or alteration of personal data and business data caused by your disclosure of your personal password to others or sharing your registered account with others;

6.5.3 You and EASYCODA have otherwise agreed.

6.6 You should back up your data according to your own needs. EASYCODA only provides data backup services in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or service rule agreements. EASYCODA shall only be liable within the scope of data backup services provided by law or agreement.

6.7 You shall bear all consequences and liabilities arising from any violation of laws and regulations in the generation, collection, processing, or use of your data. Furthermore, EASYCODA has the right to terminate the provision of services to you in whole or in part at any time. You shall bear all losses suffered or liabilities and expenses incurred as a result.

6.8 Except as expressly stipulated by laws and regulations, required by competent authorities, or otherwise agreed upon by both parties, EASYCODA will no longer retain any of your business data and will delete all cached or backup copies in the following situations:

6.8.1 When the service period expires, the service is terminated prematurely (including but not limited to premature termination by mutual agreement or premature termination due to other reasons), or you are in arrears for more than 6 months;

6.8.2 When your account has been banned or reclaimed;

6.8.3 When you violate the provisions of this Agreement or relevant laws and regulations, or at the request of competent authorities.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1 The trademark rights, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights enjoyed by each party shall remain the sole property of each party and shall not be transferred to the other party or jointly owned by both parties due to the signing or performance of this Agreement. You agree and authorize EASYCODA to use your name, brand, and trademark logo as business cases for publicity and display.

7.2 Each party shall respect the intellectual property rights of the other party and third parties. Without the consent of the rights holder, no party shall reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, crack, or modify the software or system in any form. If any third party files a lawsuit or makes a claim against one party for infringement of its intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests, the responsible party shall independently handle the relevant dispute, compensate the other party for direct economic losses, and hold the other party harmless.

8. Confidential Information

8.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, both parties have or will provide or disclose certain confidential information. The party disclosing the confidential information is the “Disclosing Party”, and the party receiving the confidential information is the “Receiving Party”.

8.2 “Confidential Information” refers to non-public information, news, data, materials, etc. held by the Disclosing Party that are related to its business, operations, technology, and rights, including but not limited to business plans, business materials, technical knowledge and information, ideas, concepts, plans, materials or manufacturer information provided, user information, personnel information, business plans, service prices and discounts, and financial status.

8.3 If the information obtained by the Receiving Party from the Disclosing Party is marked or can be reasonably recognized as confidential information belonging to the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall keep the Disclosing Party’s confidential information confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party or use it for purposes other than this Agreement without the written consent of the Disclosing Party. The Receiving Party shall treat the Disclosing Party’s confidential information with the same degree of care as it treats its own confidential information (and no less than a reasonable duty of care).

8.4 Notwithstanding the foregoing, information that meets any of the following conditions shall not be considered confidential information:

8.4.1 Information already held by the Receiving Party through legal channels or methods before disclosure by the Disclosing Party.

8.4.2 Information that is already in the public domain, or information that is disclosed without the Receiving Party’s breach of this Agreement.

8.4.3 Information that the Receiving Party legally learns from other third parties who have the right to disclose the information and are not subject to confidentiality obligations.

8.4.4 Information independently obtained or developed by the Receiving Party without using or referring to any of the Disclosing Party’s confidential information.

8.5 If the Receiving Party needs to disclose the Disclosing Party’s confidential information in accordance with laws and regulations or requirements of regulatory authorities, it shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement. However, the Receiving Party shall notify the Disclosing Party as soon as possible within the scope permitted by law. At the same time, the Receiving Party shall make efforts to help the Disclosing Party effectively limit the scope of disclosure of such confidential information and protect the Disclosing Party’s legitimate rights and interests.

8.6 The confidentiality obligations of both parties shall remain in effect during the term of this Agreement and after its expiration, until the relevant information is no longer confidential.

8.7 In the event of a confidential information leak, both parties shall cooperate to take all reasonable measures to prevent or mitigate the consequences of the damage. If the Receiving Party causes losses to the Disclosing Party due to a breach of confidentiality obligations, the Receiving Party shall compensate the Disclosing Party for the direct economic losses incurred.

9. Limitation of Liability

9.1 You understand and agree that you may encounter the following situations that may cause service interruptions while using EASYCODA services. In the event of the following situations, EASYCODA shall promptly cooperate with relevant units to carry out repairs, but EASYCODA shall be exempt from liability for any losses caused to you:

9.1.1 Force majeure, including but not limited to natural disasters, government actions, promulgation and adjustment of laws and regulations, strikes (excluding labor disputes within either party), and unrest, which are unforeseeable, unavoidable, and insurmountable objective circumstances.

9.1.2 Reasons attributable to basic operators, including but not limited to technical adjustments by telecommunications departments, damage to telecommunications/power lines by others, and installation,transformation, or maintenance of telecommunications networks/power resources by telecommunications/power departments.

9.1.3 Network security incidents, such as damage caused by computer viruses, Trojan horses, or other malicious programs, or hacker attacks.

9.1.4 Your use of EASYCODA services through unauthorized means, your improper operation, or malfunctions of your computer software, system, hardware, or communication lines.

9.1.5 Other circumstances not caused by EASYCODA’s fault, beyond EASYCODA’s control, or unforeseeable by EASYCODA.

9.2 Neither party shall be liable for any delay in performance or breach of this Agreement caused by force majeure, reasons attributable to basic operators, network security incidents, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the parties. However, the affected party shall notify the other party as soon as possible. If such events hinder the performance of the Agreement for more than 30 days, either party may terminate the Agreement by giving 15 days’ written notice to the other party. Neither party shall be liable for breach of contract due to termination of the Agreement under this clause.

9.3 You understand and agree that EASYCODA’s services are provided in their current state based on existing technology and conditions. EASYCODA will make its best efforts to ensure the consistency and security of the services, but EASYCODA cannot guarantee that the services provided are flawless. Therefore, even if the services provided by EASYCODA have flaws, if such flaws are unavoidable given the industry’s technical level at the time, they shall not be deemed as a breach of contract by EASYCODA, and EASYCODA shall not be liable. Both parties shall cooperate amicably to resolve the issue.

9.4 Under no circumstances shall either party be liable to the other party for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages and losses (such as loss of profits, loss of opportunity, expenses paid to third parties, loss or damage to reputation/goodwill, etc.), whether based on contract, warranty, tort, or any other theory of liability, regardless of whether either party knew or should have known of the possibility of such losses or damages.

9.5 Under no circumstances shall EASYCODA’s total liability for compensation to you based on this Agreement, relevant orders, and EASYCODA services (whether based on contract, tort, or any other theory of liability) exceed the total amount of fees you have paid to EASYCODA for the EASYCODA services that caused your losses. If the service period of the corresponding EASYCODA services that caused your losses exceeds 12 months, EASYCODA’s maximum liability for compensation shall not exceed the total amount of fees you have paid to EASYCODA for the EASYCODA services that caused your losses in the 12 months prior to the occurrence of the damage (for the avoidance of doubt, the fees here refer to the actual cash you have paid for the actual duration/quantity of service used, excluding vouchers, prepaid but unconsumed fees, etc.). If this clause conflicts or is inconsistent with other agreements between the parties or EASYCODA service rules, the provisions of this clause shall prevail.

10. Notice and Service

10.1 You shall ensure and maintain the validity of your customer information (including but not limited to phone numbers and email addresses). If your customer information is false, invalid, or otherwise prevents you from receiving business notices, service reminders, customer service, technical support, dispute coordination, or penalty notices for violations in a timely manner, you shall bear the corresponding responsibility.

10.2 You shall send notices to EASYCODA according to the EASYCODA contact information published on the EASYCODA official website, unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

10.3 EASYCODA may send you various information related to EASYCODA services, such as business notices, service reminders, verification messages, and marketing information (including but not limited to updated service rules, service upgrades, data center closures, and advertisements), through one or more methods such as webpage announcements, system notifications, in-site messages, emails, mobile phone text messages, instant messaging tools, and letters. The aforementioned information shall be deemed to have been served in the following circumstances:

10.3.1 If delivered by a dedicated person, it shall be deemed to have been served upon the recipient’s signature.

10.3.2 If announced in the form of a webpage announcement, it shall take effect immediately upon announcement (unless otherwise specified).

10.3.3 If sent electronically (including system notifications, in-site messages, emails, mobile phone text messages, and instant messaging tools), it shall be deemed to have been served upon successful sending.

10.3.4 If delivered by a prepaid courier company or by registered mail, it shall be deemed to have been served on the third natural day after mailing.

If the service date falls on a statutory holiday, the first working day after service shall be the service date.

11. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

11.1 The place of signing of this Agreement is USA.

11.2 The formation, validity, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of USA (excluding conflict of laws).

11.3 Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be settled through consultation between the parties. If the parties fail to reach a settlement through consultation, either party may submit the dispute to the people’s court with jurisdiction in the place where this Agreement is signed for adjudication. The undisputed parts of the Agreement shall continue to be performed.

12. Miscellaneous

12.1 Unless otherwise specified, all “days” in the body and annexes of this Agreement are natural days, and the settlement currency is USD.

12.2 This Agreement shall be drafted and interpreted in English. Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, any translation of this Agreement shall not be used as a basis for interpreting this Agreement or determining the intentions of the parties.

12.3 The Service Rules are an important part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as the body of this Agreement. You shall comply with them.

(End of document)